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Posts published in “Food is Medicine”

“Groundbreaking” Decisions Advance Use of Medicaid Funding for Nutrition

In an effort timed to coincide with the White House’s convening on hunger, nutrition and health, the Department of Health and Human Services recently unveiled “groundbreaking” approvals that pave the way for state health care plans to use Medicaid funding to pay for nutritious food that would improve peoples’ health.…

How Food Banks are Leaning Into Nutrition

Food banks have long emphasized better nutrition in the food they distribute. Now, serious structural changes are making elevated nutritional quality a lasting characteristic of food banking. The most important of these may be the development of nutrition guidelines specifically for use in the charitable food system. Introduced two years…

Hunger Relief Orgs Seek to Build Evidence that Food Can Treat Diabetes

The charitable food system may be a risky incubator for diabetes intervention, but hunger relief organizations are experimenting anyway. And they are seeing encouraging results.  Despite challenges, hunger-relief organizations are continuing to find novel and creative ways to address diabetes, a diet-related disease that afflicts about 10% of the U.S.…