The Greater Chicago Food Depository has not been the same ever since CEO Kate Maehr took to heart the inequities revealed by Covid-19. Her visceral reaction to the pandemic’s impact – she has described realizing the depth of inequity between neighborhoods as a slap in the face – has resulted…
Posts published in “CEO Interviews”
The food bank CEOs of America have a lot to be proud of when they think back on the enormous amount of aid they’ve provided to vulnerable populations devastated by Covid-19. The Feeding America network alone (which does not include dozens of independent food banks) distributed more than six billion…
Food banks often do more than basic food distribution by offering programs that help people gain a foothold out of poverty. Workforce training, financial literacy classes and access to benefits all fall within this category. Now, San Antonio Food Bank is expanding even further the definition of what a food…
Second Harvest Heartland of Minnesota announced last week that it would invest $13.2 million into smoothing out racial disparities in the way it distributes food, partly by making food more accessible and appealing to communities of color. The commitment, which will roll out over five years, covers a wide breadth…
CUMAC’s two-story facility in Northern New Jersey has the look and feel of a standard food bank, with a warehouse, a handful of trucks, a client-choice pantry, and even a small garden. In practice, the operation has a mission that goes much further than giving out food or even addressing…
Regi Young, the new Executive Director of Alameda County Community Food Bank, got into food banking after working in community organizing, and remembers being impressed by the resources food banks had and the large number of communities they were in. It also struck him that food banks could have greater…
In an outgrowth of the pandemic, food banks from New Hampshire to Texas to California are starting to permanently drop fees typically imposed on pantries. When Covid first hit, food banks began temporarily lifting the shared maintenance fees pantries pay to food banks to help defray the costs of transporting,…
The Greater Chicago Food Depository is redefining itself. The nation’s 12th-largest food bank is in the beginning stages of a multi-year, multi-tiered strategy aimed at building connections with community groups that have deep roots in the city’s most vulnerable neighborhoods. The goal is to transfer power and resources to grassroots…
Food banking may never be the same again. After more than a year of being in crisis mode, food banks are settling into a new normal — meeting still-elevated need, but doing it more effectively than ever before thanks to 14 months of intense, pandemic-pressurized learning. Among the Covid-inspired innovations…