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Food Bank News

Partner Insight: Feed More Renews Connection to Mission with Link2Feed’s Food Bank Intake Software

Feed More is Central Virginia’s hunger-relief organization, supporting over 400 agencies and programs with its food bank, children’s feeding and Meals on Wheels programs. Historically, the relationship between the food bank and its partners was largely compliance-oriented and lacking in two-way communication. Feed More felt shifting to a capacity-focused relationship…

Greater Boston Food Bank’s $5M Tech Plan Leads with Service

The Greater Boston Food Bank has embarked on a three-year, $5-million plan to transform itself into a unified, digital-first organization that emphasizes top-notch service.  Dubbed “Project Everest,” the initiative will seek to make the food bank’s technology operations more efficient, while creating better experiences for four key stakeholder groups: its…

Food Banks Keep Getting Bigger

Food banks have a bigger presence in the U.S. than ever. It’s not just that millions of Americans turned to food banks for the first time during the pandemic. It’s also that food banks are exploding in terms of sheer footprint. Most prominent is Atlanta Community Food Bank’s new 345,000…

Home Deliveries Benefit from Tech Help

A survey of 50 food banks of all sizes found that larger food banks are more likely to rely on technology and operations partners for help in making home deliveries, bringing more efficiency to their programs.  Home deliveries, rarely offered by food banks before the pandemic, have become much more…