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Posts published in “Advocacy”

Food Banks Carry On Amid Threats to Funding

Food banks are keeping calm and carrying on amid uncertainty around directives from the new administration that could threaten federal hunger relief programs.  The federal government foots the funding for a host of feeding programs, including TEFAP to provide food to food banks; SNAP, the behemoth nationwide nutrition assistance program;…

44 Food Banks Excel in Website Advocacy

Our scan of the top 100 food banks (by revenue) uncovered a number of features food banks are adding to their websites to advance their advocacy efforts, including animated videos, advocacy-action point trackers, and surveys of the general public. These findings are part of our annual look at how food…

How Food Banks Are Getting Out the Vote

When Osvaldo Grimaldo joined Houston Food Bank just over a year ago as its inaugural Civic Engagement Specialist, he had his work cut out for him. In surveying agency partners and community members on their attitudes toward voting, Grimaldo uncovered a general lack of knowledge and resources. Of the more…

How Pantries are Gaining Power

It’s fair to say that running a food pantry, even as a volunteer, is a time-consuming job, making it difficult to plan beyond the immediate tasks at hand. But it’s also evident that a new spirit of collaboration between front-line emergency food providers is percolating. Sharing information, establishing a unified…