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Partner Insight: Digital Food Cards: A New Resource for Food Banks

As food banks continue to innovate in their mission to nourish communities and support those facing food insecurity, digital food cards by iQpay are a valuable new tool.

Why Digital Food Cards?

Digital food cards, distributed via text or email, allow clients to purchase grocery and produce items at participating retailers. This approach complements the vital services food banks already provide in several important ways:

  • Digital food cards offer an alternative for clients who may have difficulty reaching food bank locations, extending the reach of support networks
  • When food banks have limited stock or specific items aren’t available, these cards ensure clients can still access the nutrition they need
  • By replacing physical vouchers, they allow clients to shop with dignity, blending in seamlessly with other customers in regular store settings

Whether it’s providing holiday meals, responding to emergencies, or extending food pantry services, digital food cards, like those offered by iQpay, can enhance food banks’ efforts. They work hand-in-hand with existing programs while helping to reduce administrative tasks and overhead costs.

Digital Food Cards Benefit Both Sponsors and Neighbors

Digital food cards increase efficiency, drive cost savings, improve the neighbor experience, and aid in getting food into the hands of neighbors who need it most.

For program administrators:

  • Maximize resources by paying only for what’s spent
  • Guide client spending with thoughtfully curated catalog offers
  • Distribute support swiftly via text or email


For clients:

  • Shop with dignity across a wide network of familiar retail stores
  • Gain access to food even when unable to access a food bank
  • Enjoy easy, familiar access via mobile or email

Additionally, Digital Food Cards by iQpay are accessible in fourteen languages and the iQpay platform is supported by a dedicated customer support team.

Examples of Real Impact

Across the country, iQpay is actively partnering with food banks, state associations, and government agencies to build innovative food assistance programs. Here are a few examples of how food banks are using digital food cards:

  • Capital Area Food Bank is addressing the high rates of food insecurity in higher education by providing students at local universities with digital cards for groceries.
  • San Antonio Food Bank is bridging geographical gaps, offering digital cards redeemable for everything except alcohol, tobacco, lottery, and gift cards to assist rural clients requesting emergency food support through their call center.
  • The Food Bank of Middle Tennessee is addressing language barriers by preparing to distribute digital cards for fresh produce in multiple languages to support their diverse local population.
  • Mid-Ohio Food Collective is reimagining holiday traditions by planning to issue digital cards for fresh and frozen turkey and ham in November, piloting a new approach to holiday meal distribution.

One of our food bank partners shared their experience:

“Cost of fulfillment will be something we will need to watch out for as we scale our Food is Medicine strategies. Where food banks struggle to have clear cost advantages, iQpay can provide a complementary solution.”

Eric Cooper, President and CEO, San Antonio Food Bank

We’re committed to being a strong, supportive partner to food banks, just as we’ve done with San Antonio Food Bank. Our shared goal is to improve food access, support food as medicine programs, and allow food banks to focus more on what truly matters – serving their community – and less on program administration.

Explore the Digital Food Card Experience Yourself

At iQpay, we’re dedicated to working alongside food banks as we create solutions that enhance today’s food assistance programs and meet tomorrow’s challenges head on.

We invite you to explore this solution. Click here to book a demo and experience the user interface firsthand. Together, we can contribute to more effective and compassionate food assistance, writing the next chapter in innovative community support.

This article is a sponsored post provided by iQpay.