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#GiveHealthy/City Harvest Case Study Released, Showing “Wow” Results

City Harvest began its partnership with #GiveHealthy in early 2020, before the Covid-19 pandemic struck. Since then, its utilization of the #GiveHealthy Digital Food Drive Platform produced impressive results — all at no cost.  Some key highlights:

  • 150,000+ pounds of healthy food donations
  • More than 50 new support organizations
  • More than $100,000 in new donor value

According to Ellen Granger, Manager of Donor Relations and Supply Chain at City Harvest, “#GiveHealthy has been an incredible partner to City Harvest this past year. The delivery logistics are seamless, the food quality is excellent, and most importantly, I know our donors are being well taken care of when I refer them to Nora and the team.”







The full case study is available here.

“Our job is to enable food banks to maximize their food drive support and, in doing so, reduce the amount of staff time food banks spend on managing that support,” said Patrick O’Neill, CEO of Amp Your Good, Inc, which developed and operates the #GiveHealthy platform.  “We’re thrilled with the results we were able to deliver to City Harvest.”

City Harvest is one of a growing number of food banks across the country partnering with #GiveHealthy. They all find the combination of gaining additional food drive support and reducing staff time a great fit at a time when their missions have grown.



“Our data indicates that donors have a strong preference to donate fresh fruits and vegetables to food drives in lieu of canned goods, which is something they can do through our platform,” said O’Neill. 

He continued, “Our system is a great way for food banks and pantries to not only maintain their food drive support but to increase it. Importantly, it gives them control over the food donations people make so they can optimize that support. Our food delivery system reduces staff time and besides the food, we also deliver valuable donor information. These factors, combined with our ability to get a new food bank or pantry quickly set up in our system and the fact that all of this is at zero cost, has increased our food bank and pantry partnerships dramatically since the pandemic began.”

The #GiveHealthy system is designed to make things easy and effective, whether that’s for food banks and pantries, the organizations that sponsor food drives or the people who donate to them. For more information about #GiveHealthy, visit or by email:


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